Privacy policy

We have established the following privacy policy to protect personal information and strive to keep everyone informed of the privacy policy.

Appropriate collection of personal information

We collect personal information to the extent necessary and use the collected information in accordance with the guidelines.

Security control of personal information

We implement the necessary and appropriate security control measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage to personal information and make efforts to continuously improve the measures.

Compliance with laws and regulations and other norms concerning personal information

As for the handling of personal information, we comply with the Act on the Prevention of Personal Information and other laws and regulations related to the protection of personal information.

We may revise the above privacy policy. In that case, the content of the revision will be posted on this website.

Information to ask customers on this website.

When using this website, some contents may ask for personal information. However, providing personal information is optional and voluntary.

The information we ask for is mainly the customer’s information, such as the customer’s name, email address, and telephone number.

In addition, we may ask the customer additional questions, but these questions are optional except for the minimum necessary items, and may be answered on a voluntary basis.

We do not alter any information collected from the customer without the customer’s consent.

We do not disclose nor provide the personal information collected from the customer to any third party without the customer’s consent or a justifiable reason.

Indemnity and limitation of liability

This website shall be used under the responsibility of everyone who accesses it. We will not be liable in any way for any damage resulting from the customer’s use of the various kinds of information obtained from other websites linked to this website.

Governing law

Although this website can be accessed from countries around the world with different laws, any customer accessing this website shall agree to be bound by the laws of Japan, irrespective of any difference in legal principles. We make no representation or indication as to whether the content of this website is appropriate or not. Any access to this website is based on free will, and responsibility for the use of this website rests with everyone who accesses it.